👋 Hey I'm,

Divyue Sharma

I'm a software engineer based in Jaipur, India. I enjoy creating things that live on the internet, whether that be websites, applications, or anything in between. I've managed to gain a decent amount of experience and valuable knowledge from all different kinds of fields throughout my projects/work.

css3 Icon
Javascript Icon
React Icon
React Router Icon
Redux Icon
React Query Icon
Github Icon
Node JS Icon
MongoDb Icon
Developer floating in air

ExperienceUnderline to Experience heading

Software Engineer

Jul 2020 - May 2023

Bengaluru, India

  • Worked closely with the client as frontend and feeds engineer.
  • Feeds served key areas of client's digital streaming business, including monetization/ads, video player and partner search (such as Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung, Roku etc.)
  • Worked on creating a new dashboard which is required to view all the feeds using React, React-query which is helpful in tracking successfully built / running / failing feeds.
  • Unit testing, debugging, diagnosing and correcting faults/errors in existing code base.
  • Helping in the migration of feeds to a new Content Delivery Platform which required learning technologies such as Groovy, Sumo-logic and git.
  • Developing and assisting with the creation of Project documentation.

Individual Contributions

  • Automated the process of starting and monitoring the feeds.
  • Created a dashboard for the client for the feeds which were failing on the production environment. So that it can be traced, and the team can investigate that issue. This was achieved using Next.JS, Puppeteer, MongoDB and Express.JS.

Tech Stack

  1. Groovy,
  2. Puppeteer,
  3. Javascript,
  4. Next.JS,
  5. ExpressJS,
  6. MongoDB,
  7. NodeJS


Jul 2023 - Dec 2023

Gurgaon, India

  • Implemented Charts for a fintech application using the ChartJS library now being used by Fixed Investments.
  • Implemented complex logic related to dates as the user interacts with the chart and it updates.
  • Created hero section and accordion component using CSS for demo for sales team.
  • Worked on the company’s edtech platform, created layout with mobile-first approach.
  • Worked on with the company’s on-site client (SmartWay2 Hubstar Company) on a Javascript SDK, which was using OOPS concepts, Openlayers and Canvas (Similar application present is AutoCAD Viewer)
  • Complex mathematical concepts were used to draw / edit and update shapes and drawings as required by the client.
  • Helped in creating an extension which helps in filling up forms just by speaking and using Chat GPT API

    Tech Stack

    1. HTML,
    2. CSS3,
    3. Javascript,
    4. Next.JS,
    5. OOPS,
    6. NodeJS,
    7. Sass

    CertificationUnderline to Certification heading

    International Conference on ML, IP, Network Security and Data ScienceGithub link to repository


    DEC 2019 - MAY 2020

    • Worked on implementation of several different Machine Learning algorithms and then their accuracy was compared with the result obtained.
    • Classification of Breast Cancer using machine learning algorithms and techniques

    ProjectsUnderline to Projects heading

    Abstract Design


    This project is used to search for github repositories.



    Github API



    Abstract Design

    Poppins Library

    A Simple Component Library built with React and CSS as a personal project.

    Semantic HTML5 markup

    CSS custom properties


    CSS Grid

    Mobile-first workflow

    React - JS library


    Abstract Design

    Authentication and Authorization

    Login and Sign Up flow for a User including persistent login in react application.








    Refresh Tokens

    Abstract Design

    High Fly Real Estate

    This was created as a Proof of concept for a real estate company based out in Jaipur.




    Vercel Deployments

    Mobile First Approach
